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Happy birthday poems

С днем рождения на английском языке: Happy birthday,Другу,Женщине,Мужчине,Подруге,
Вид поздравлений: смс,в стихах,все

I wish you happy birthday,
Smiles, fun, good friends around,
To make everything happen today,
And have wonderful events a great amount!

Lucky you! You’ve born again.
And I wish you, dear, when
You remember this day you’ll smile
And you take your phone to dial
Just my number... just to chat...
I wish you: never be sad,
Love this life. It is so nice.
Let me kiss you, dear, twice!
Happy birthday. I believe —
No one will want to leave
This nice party — we enjoy
Everything. We’ll have much joy!

Let all your wishes be on fire
Of this amazing candles.
You are the person I admire,
May your happiness be endless.

May your future be exciting, honey,
May your life be always bright,
May your pocket be filled with money,
And you will never feel tight.

Happy Birthday, it’s your party —
Family and friends with you.
You are wise and kind-hearted,
Let your hearty dreams come true.

Wish you sunny days and smiles,
With sincere men in life.
Let your life be healthy always, —
It’s the most solemn prize.

Happy Birthday, lovely friend!
Let your life be sweet.
Never give up in the end,
There is certain meet.

With support and joy, and love,
Try to trust in life.
God will be with you above,
Be yourself, it’s nice.

This lovely day has come again.
Be so attentive, friend — and when
Your birthday cake appears,
Share it with all. So — cheers!

I wish you, dear friend of mine:
Let’s make this birthday so divine.
Let’s meet together every guest:
Each makes a toast even he protests.

Happy birthday, my dear,
Today is your best day,
Feel the happy joy; let your best desirable dream appear,
And everlasting luck will come and stay!

Express yourself and be the best,
Wish you to have a lot of friends.
And wish you only happy tears,
Good luck, my friend.
Congrats and cheers!

Every birthday comes one a year.
So, let’s make a big party, my dear.
You will gets lot of greetings and gifts,
May the health be number one in your list.

Let yourself do everything
That you like most,
And if you will need anything,
I will be beside, you won’t be lost.

Your birthday came today,
I wish you never give up,
Always be strong and brave,
Even if you fell down — stand up.

I wish you to have a fire
Only on your birthday cake,
And all the people you admire
Be beside you. Here are your gifts — come and take.

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Поздравления с днем рождения на английском языке с переводом: 
Happy birthday, Другу, Женщине, Мужчине, Подруге,




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