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Happy birthday poems - поздравления в стихах

С днем рождения на английском языке: Happy birthday,Другу,Женщине,Мужчине,Подруге,
Вид поздравлений: смс,в стихах,все

Happy birthday,
Make a desire,
Forever to stay,
Keep heart on fire.

I wish you love and wealthy fortune,
And many, many kind deeds.
And let you have the richest future,
And lots of active, friendly meets.

Let be your birthday like the tale,
With fairy gifts and magic dreams.
I wish you joy and only smile,
Just live with pleasure, eating sweets.

I wish you today,
Eternal summer season.
And life is like a holiday,
Beautiful, without a reason.

You are the one, I know for years.
So, Happy birthday, buddy. Cheers!
We have prepared gifts, don’t worry.
Unwrap them and be in a hurry:

We now are waiting to start fun
That you will like, as everyone
Is going to surprise you, dear.
Let’s start big holiday right here!

My dear friend, my coolest mate,
We’ve come to you to celebrate
Your birthday. And we wish you love.
You are so friendly, so tough.

Let’s use this once-a-year chance
To have much fun, to sing and dance.
This year will bring you much wealth,
Success, luck, and only good health!

I have come to you with presents,
Happy Birthday, happy day!
We’ll be near any moments,
Let us plan your holiday.

Let we make delicious dishes,
Call some friends and close men.
All these dreams and lovely wishes,
All for you, just laugh again.

I wish happiness for you,
Smiles, sun and warmth.
All congratulations coming true
Believe in lucky turn!

Let joy come in house
Comfort, prosperity and peace.
Friends, relatives are around,
Came at wonderful feast!

I wish you strong health
And easy life roads.
And may always, blessing,
Start a happy load!

Oh, good for you: you’ve never looked so fresh.
Don’t get me wrong, but just like Jesus in the flesh.
Nobody’s right whenever you are called ‘too old’
Your age is nothing more than a construct.

You’re still a player, with a vibrant and young soul.
You’re still a gambler, taking risks at life.
Deep down, I want you to remain this happy roll
So that no words would ever harm you anymore.

Somebody said you have a Birthday?
Of course I know! I don’t forget!
The lucky World got you today!
Thanks to your mama and your dad.

Any barriers destroy
To get your goals and be on top.
I want this day brings you a joy,
You are a fighter, never stop!

Today you are not becoming older,
Plus one more year to your wisdom.
I wish for you always wonder
Of every day and enjoy your freedom.

The whole world is at your feet,
You move right on your way.
I wish you have everything you need
And have fun on your Birthday!

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Поздравлений: 61 в стихах, 0 в прозе.
Поздравления с днем рождения на английском языке с переводом: 
Happy birthday, Другу, Женщине, Мужчине, Подруге,




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