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Happy birthday poems - поздравления в стихах

С днем рождения на английском языке: Happy birthday,Другу,Женщине,Мужчине,Подруге,
Вид поздравлений: смс,в стихах,все

Happy Birthday to You,
You are really wonderful,
Let desirable goals come true,
Taking life emotions colorful.

Let the adversity pass your life by,
Let dreams realised almost always,
And family waiting you every night,
Remember — doubt in yourself no ways!

Party comes, it’s happiness,
Having such a friend.
Never live in careless,
Never meet offend.

It’s your day, my tenderness,
Let your dreams come true.
Happy Birthday, dearest,
So admire you!

Enjoyment of moments,
Live cool, little crazy.
And may your great life
Be bright and amazing.

Pleasant surprises,
May this day bring fast
What your heart desires.
Let it be at last!

“Happy birthday to you!”, — this mail is for you.
I’m writing to congratulate
The best person with this date.
Let me tell you pleasant words,
Like cheerful twittering of birds.
Today I’d like to wish you joy and luck,
I hope your troubles will come unstuck.
On this nice and splendid day,
Say “Goodbye!” to troubles and dismay.

Luck is waiting for you,
Just look ahead,
And hope glimmers,
Always in your chest.

Let people be kind
Fate is favorable,
Love by your side,
And life is comfortable.

Hurray! This day has come.
And nobody will be glum:
We’ll mark your birthday, buddy.
Just don’t be a fuddy-duddy.

As we will have much joy,
And dance. So, friend enjoy
This party. And we wish you:
Be happy, and be healthy, too!

Happy birthday, dear friend,
Today is your Angel day,
Set unbelievable goals and achieve them,
And never give up before new heights made.

Desire to make a best wish haste,
Today, the angels will realise,
All your dreams ask for today
Be sure — these all true tonight!

To travel, to live, to enjoy,
Let you in all luck,
Never doubt yourself,
You deserve it enough.

Though heartedly warm wishes today
Fly around in total abundance,
May I also join the array for your birthday —
I promise it won’t be redundance.

You will have the best of the world,
As much happiness as it only could,
All the love. I know, there is nothing new,
But at least, I promise, it’s gonna be true.

One more year pasts today
Since you were born, my dear.
Happy birthday I want to say
And just remember, I am always near.

Don’t look at age, stay always young.
It’s just one more number in your life!
And if today you want to drunk,
Tomorrow morning be alive.

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Поздравлений: 61 в стихах, 0 в прозе.
Поздравления с днем рождения на английском языке с переводом: 
Happy birthday, Другу, Женщине, Мужчине, Подруге,




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